We have talked about the need to
take some time out during the apocalypse to gather yourself and rest. This is an important life saving skill both in and out of apocalypse situations. Related is the need to take some time out
during an immediately intense situation to regroup.
Tensions run high. Generally, it's what they do. When tensions aren't running high, they are often running just under the surface waiting for loose ground that will fall away at their rapid approach making them quite high indeed. When that happens, when the proverbial sink hole opens up and you find yourself in The Waters of Tension that are deeper than you are tall, flailing and screaming will accomplish nothing. Well, except expertly drowning you.
Those few precious seconds are the time to step back and assess the situation.
You are in a forest. It is a deep dark forest. Night has fallen. Your band of intrepid survivors is the tension in the string of a bow ready to release its arrow or snap under pressure. Someone steps on a twig. The others turn incensed. Right now, at this very moment, is the when you will have to make The Decision. Will the bow break or will the arrow fly?